Make Pure Thy Heart
Start Early Today by Makepurethyheart
Moment To Moment Centering

Moment To Moment Centering

The divinity and abundance flows through the source from within; only if we tune into it

Today you will be applying skills in mindfulness by being attentive to what the mind is up to each and every hour.

Slotting a minute to rise above all the stories of the mind, the should and the shouldn'ts.

Acknowledging the true essence of what you are. You are infinite awareness.

Maintaining a balance to pursue your true mission here on this planet. Hey, it’s day by day, moment to moment, so be keen and skillful as a diligent student.

May be enriched in every moment of the day.

Live in the joyous expectancy of the best.

Make Pure Thy Heart
Start Early Today by Makepurethyheart
Why not be intentionally mindful most of the time.