I picked herbs from my garden and sprinkled them on my breakfast bowl of roasted sweet potatoes, avocado, and chopped carrots, put down my phone, and ate outside in the sun.

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That's heaven right there ❤️

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Beautiful reminders

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Thanks for being here ❤️

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This filled me right up!!!

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Stay overflowing with Love ❤️ the nature of what we all are ❤️

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good words 👍

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Thank you 🙏

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This absolutely beautiful. beautiful thoughts, pictures, affirmations. Unfortunately because I taught in Korea after getting my degrees -with student loans and a very small pension, I only subscribed to the Free Subscriptions. But things can change and that is enough for me, because I truly feel like a kindred spirit.

Yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow only a vision,

But today well-lived

In the present moment

Makes all our yesterdays

Full of beautiful memories

And all our tomorrows,

Visions of Hope! Colin Mac Rae

‘Poetry soothes the soul and emboldens the heart to accept Mystery.’

Yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow only a vision,

But today well-lived

In the present moment

Makes all of our yesterdays

Full of beautiful memories,

And all our tomorrows

Visions of Hope Colin Mac Rae


For once on the face of the earth

Let’s not speak in any language;

Let’s stop for one second

And not move our arms so much.

It would be an exotic movement

Without rush, without engines.

We would all be together

In a sudden strangeness.

Fishermen in the cold sea

Would not harm whales,

And the man gathering salt

Would look at his hurt hands.

Those who prepare green wars,

Wars with gas, wars with fire

Victories with no survivors

Would put on clean clothes

And walk about with their brothers

In the shade doing nothing.

What I want should not be confused

With total inactivity.

Life is what it is about.

I want no truck with death.

If we were not so single-minded

About keeping our lives moving,

Perhaps a huge silence

Might interrupt this sadness

Of never understanding ourselves

And of threatening ourselves with death.

Perhaps the earth can teach us

As when everything seems dead

And later proves to be alive. Pablo Neruda


Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness,

You must travel where the Indian in the white pancho

Lies dead by the side of the road.

You must see how this could be you.

How he, too, was someone

Who journeyed through the night with plans

And the simple breath that kept him alive.

Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside

You must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.

Then, it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,

Only kindness that ties your shoes

And sends you out into the day to mail letters and purchase bread.

Only kindness that raises its head

From the crowd of the world to say,

“It is I that you’ve been looking for.”

And then goes with you everywhere

Like a shadow or a friend. Naomi Shihab Nye

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Love your style Colin! ❤️

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beautiful, beautiful post. Thank you!

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Thank you. Let's start within ❤️

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"you are the person you were waiting for" is a lovely sentiment. I recently completed a 7 day body love challenge and it was transformative!

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Congratulations! How ore you today????

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needing to go on a mindfulness walk in about 5 minutes.

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I’m with you!! Walking is heaven. Keep it flowing Elizabeth! You are doing great 👍

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Beautiful and refreshing reminders; messages that need to be said and heard. Thanks for this.

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Thank you for being here ❤️

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Beautiful affirmations attached to beautiful pictures—thank you for sharing!

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Namaste! ❤️

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What a beautiful letter, I enjoyes every bit of it. Also, I would like to add that we live in a world where it is almosg abnormal to settle down. We are told to always pursue more even when it comes to loving ourselves. We are told that we can never love ourselves until we have achieved something "worthy" which I believe is wrong.

We don't need a reason to love ourselves. We exist and that's our reason, which I believe is a really good reason that we must not forget.

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Existing is worthy enough ❤️

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Hello Paolo . I want to recommend you but you have to give me very specific instructions as to how I would be able to do that. For the last 2 or 3 days, I have been trying in vain to do this. When I get into your site, I see no recommend or recommended signs? It is possible that I could bring others along with me, id you give me the technological know-how. Colin

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Beautiful post and even more beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing 🌞🌸🥰

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Thank you for being here! ❤️

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Hi Paolo. I left a message for you a while ago. I want you guys to have full access to my blog. I don't know how anything works- follow- following- restack. I write an article once a week, send it to my son in Luxembourg and by Sunday he posts it on my blog. I want all my subscribers to have full access to my writings and I do not want to monetize it all. I'm doing this because I love it-the writing, a few good people along the way. so I'll try again https://ancientwisdomtraditions.substack.com

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Hi Paolo. I have no idea how anything works online in general. I actually work all week on an article email it to my son in Luxembourg, then usually by Sunday he posts it for me. He set the whole thing up. I have no idea what follow or following means or restacking. i have just blindly been staggering through Sub stack, ended up finding good people like yourselves. Christopher- very kind, Tara Perrot- we collaborated on a piece on child poverty as yet to be published, but coming soon. For me I am doing this to help others. Life is difficult to navigate at the best of times. I want you, and all my subscribers to have full access to all my writings. So I am going to give you the link to my blog that I use every day, so I assume it will work for you. https://ancientwisdomtraditions.substack.com

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Thank you for this Colin! ❤️

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A beautiful message of self-acceptance and love. It encourages us to be kind to ourselves and embrace mistakes. They're all part of the journey, and they help us learn and grow.

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So true! ❤️

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Thank you for these beautiful reminders and photographs Paolo, made my day more cheerful!

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Appreciate you! The thing is to make it daily. ❤️🌹 hope you love yourself more each day 🙏

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