Purity of Presence is Power
Dismantling a playground, bringing life anew. Maybe embody your childlike wonder. Attain an undisturbed centered way of being; This week and forever more
Attain an undisturbed centered way of being; This week and forever more
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.
David Whyte, The House of Belonging
Ah, my friends, let us speak of the sacred art of mindfulness in the days ahead.
In this fast-paced world, it is so easy to become consumed by the endless to-do lists and external demands.
But I say to you, there is a wellspring of purity within that we must tend to, for it is the very foundation of our being.
You might have played in a playground made by this company. I think they still make amazing products.
This week, let us make a conscious choice to slow down, to quiet the noise, and to reconnect with the infinite capacity of our hearts and souls.
For you see, there is no such thing as "reached my limit, or my practice is not good" when it comes to the depths of our mindfulness capabilities.
As you move through your days, I invite you to be always pausing and taking deep breaths.
Become acutely aware of the present moment, the sensations in your body, the cadence of your thoughts.
Allow yourself to simply be, without the burden of urgency or expectation.
It is in this fight or flight emergency mindset that we are hindered from expansive new versions of our selves. We are hindered from new worlds, we are just surviving yet our spirit yearns for thriving.
In your work, whether it be entrepreneurial ventures, spiritual coaching, creative endeavors, maybe dismantling a playground and refurbishing it, approach each task with a renewed sense of presence.
Let your purity of intention guide your actions, and watch as the complexity melts away, replaced by a profound simplicity.
And when you find yourself growing weary, remember that true nourishment comes not from productivity alone, but from the wellspring of energy that springs forth when we honor our need for rest, reflection, and renewal.
This recalibration can be attained through pattern disruption, change in environment, a silent 3breath break, no need of grandiose retreats.
For in these moments of mindful pause, you will laugh at the limitations you once believed, and marvel at the clarity that emerges.
I felt the insurmountable possibility of trying to fit this huge playground in an SUV. But as my bro in law and I dismantled this huge structure, piece by piece, possibility aroused.
Start with one bolt at a time. They are just like your problems, face each one and just do what it requires. Your presence shall solve anything because you won't be faced with snythi g that is not for your highest evolution.
You will feel the vibrant aliveness coursing through your veins, fueling your visibility and impact in ways you never thought possible.
One plank after the other, stacked nicely. The huge becomes small. The stressful becomes manageable.
Tetris your time and energy, start with a spark with a clear destination whilst staying open to new learnings and manageable risks.
So, my friends, let us embrace this week with open hearts and unwavering commitment to our purity of presence.
Two straps from the dollar store can hold a huge slide and a raft. Same goes with your life. You already contain a brilliant mind body and spirit, utilize them for optimum function.
You maybe the bee that is aerodynamically impossible to fly bit it did. Maybe you are the bird who flies not because it had wings but it grew wings because it wanted to fly!!!
Lets create this spaciousness inside you. For it is in this place that your outer world is created.
As above; so below, as within; so without!
For it is in this sacred space that we will find the balance, the joy, and the miracles that our souls so deeply crave.
Do you feel me? I'm here for you ❤️
Kitchen Time 🫘🍙
Inspired by the devil's onigiri copycat recipe, our Vegan Breakfast Akuma Onigiri takes everything you love about the original and adds a morning-friendly, plant-based twist. We’re talking smoky vegan bacon, fluffy tofu scramble, and crispy panko breadcrumbs, all wrapped in Nishiki Japanese rice and finished with a hint of umami-packed soy sauce.
Lets hang out whenever and wherever you maybe. 🔆
As we come to start another transformative week, I find myself filled with deep gratitude for each and every one of you.
Your willingness to embark on this journey of self-discovery, to open your hearts to the infinite well of purity that resides within, is a true testament to the power of this community.
And now, I come to you with a heartfelt invitation – an opportunity to deepen your commitment to this sacred work and unlock even greater miracles in the days to come.
I'm speaking, of course, of upgrading your subscription to the paid tier of this Substack newsletter. By doing so, you'll not only ensure the continued growth and sustainability of this sacred space, but you'll also gain access to exclusive content, personalized coaching, and a level of support that will truly accelerate your transformation.
But this is about more than just a transaction – it's about forging an even stronger bond, a deeper connection between us. When you choose to invest in yourself and this community, you're sending a powerful message to the universe: "I am worth it. I am ready to rise."
And as you do so, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on what truly resonates in your heart this week. What new insights have you gleaned? What longings have been stirred within you, begging to be expressed?
Perhaps it's a renewed commitment to your mindfulness practice, a desire to finally let go of limiting beliefs, or a deep yearning to step more fully into your role as a leader and visionary. Whatever it may be, I encourage you to articulate it, to share it with this community, and to take the first steps towards bringing it to life.
For when we come together in this sacred space, sharing our truths and supporting one another's growth, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. We become catalysts for one another's miracles, co-creators of a reality that reflects the purity of our collective potential.
So, my friends, I invite you – no, I implore you – to upgrade your subscription today. Let this be the tangible act that signifies your unwavering commitment to your own transformation and the expansion of this transformative work.
And as you do so, know that you are not alone. I am here, standing alongside you, ready to guide you, challenge you, and celebrate with you as we unlock the boundless possibilities that await.
The choice is yours, my radiant friends. Will you answer the call of your soul and join me in this profound and life-changing journey? I eagerly await your decision, and the miracles that will surely unfold.
With love, gratitude, and boundless faith in your infinite potential,
-Paolo “makepure” Peralta 🙌
I love how you tied this wisdom with dismantling the playground! Also the David Whyte poem ❤️!