Is The Way You Look At Things Causing You Emotional Distress?
Everything runs on this very simple principle. Let us make use of our minds to serve our highest purpose rather than running us towards rack & ruin.
You got right now what you have been desiring 10 years ago. You still suffer from self inflicted pain of discontent.
To know that these problems are self inflicted is the first step of redeeming ourselves from it.
If we believe stories and thought forms wishing for things other than what they truly are, it causes an incoherence.
An imbalance that affects and distorts our very nature to be fully what we are.
Try creating space between facts and your perceived reality. Our immediate perception requires no action, but the ego is quick to protect and defend its limited scope.
Perceived reality is: I’m having a bad day because of this unexpected ticket in my windshield. I’m distressed and I’m wrestling with the reality that this happened to me.
Fact: I got this ticket because my inspection sticker is expired. The officer is doing an amazing job keeping things in order.
Nothing ever happens that is not meant to be. They all happen to make better of us and it us up to us if we are to learn in joy or pain.
We never really lose someone or anyone, people just undergo transition which is part of the cycle of all things.
If there is one thing to practice out of this read it is this.
Looking at it from a compassionate stance helps a lot. Nothing and nobody is out there to one up you, or put you down. Nothing is ever personal, it is just Life lifing no matter how you think about it.
Be nice to your limited, afraid and arrogant ego. Befriend it, it is perpetually insecure. Its intention is its survival but the nature of things are much grander and mysterious, illogical and only makes sense when we look backwards.
It is ok to not know. It is ok to be in inquiry and mystery. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but now you are here and as present as one can be.
Tap into eternity with one deep breath, know that you are spirit having a human experience. That there is nothing ever wrong nor lacking.
That your true power lies in your choice of how you see and perceive things.
Everything happens for you. Messages present themselves in realtime and it demands your attention.
Look again at the cycles of the season, look again at all that you have been (energetically). Were you mostly afraid and running away from duty?
In looking back, you can track what types of perceptions brought you results that you like, when you were fully present and loving compared to being obsessed and anxious of what is to come.
When you were courageous to leave everything behind to jump into a curiosity that made you truly alive.
When you felt so pure that you heard yourself say this is what living is.
Learn that what you think and feel will make up your beliefs and shall harden into material fact, by law.
Watch your internal narrative, watch if it is serving your highest purpose. Remember that the body, the subconscious and your circumstances don’t know and care if what you are vibing is true or not. It just follows what you command it! A guy Henry once said whether you think you can or can’t you are right.
Watch what you choose to believe because from that world your reality is to be manifested. As within so without, as above so below.
Why do you feel inadequate? in what aspects? take a deep breath and challenge the reality of that statement. You feel lack and anxiety because of the brains primal wiring for survival. Your herbs and ancestors already did the job of finding freedom for you to sit here and read stuff on the internet on your cushy home.
The opposite of feeling inadequate is also true in yourself right now. Is your body intact and functioning? is blood running through your veins? Can you read? can you design and conjure up a thought that can light up another? If so, you are more than enough.
The only thing lacking is the love we aren’t willing to give. Not the sweet sensational love that is like candy but the devotional love that is willing to sacrifice the small self for a greater and higher purpose.
Maybe you need more reps. Maybe you need to change your relationship with the way other people you think will think and care about your decisions. Let me help you with this. They don’t care, everyone is busy being in their own heads.
Be immune to embarrassment, this quietens the reign of the ego, it heightens up learning and growth. Fail fast is what we always read about but when was the last time you tried something really scary. Scary things are the worthwhile ones. Enter that cave you have been avoiding that holds the treasure you seek.
We can always start small, start with your laundry, your body, and your relationships.
Where ever you are in your journey, know that it is a vital part. That there is now better way than through things.
That your most awaited breakthrough is only an internal shift that can happen in an instant.
Wanna dive in deeper? Let’s chat ❤️🔥
Cooking time 🌱
If you love spicy foods with a chewy texture and a rich umami flavor, then you’re in for a treat! Trader Joe’s Korean Enoki Mushrooms take center stage in this easy, mouthwatering dish. Coated in spicy Yangnyeom sauce and pan-seared to golden brown perfection, these mushrooms are a great addition to your list of vegan recipes, side dishes, or even as a main event.
Occasionally layback and unwind on bodies of water. May you float on with integrity and pure intentions.
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I'm reading an incredible book called "My Stroke of Insight" by a neuroscientist who experienced a stroke and the total (temporary) shut-down of her left brain. It took her eight years to repair it, but during the process she realized that ALL of her analytic (left-brain) thinking was habitual or chosen. Truly fascinating and deeply affirming of the way our minds can be remade whenever we choose.