Get to know your ego’s nature and make it serve your higher being
View life from above and ask who is this who views? Zooming out to gain perspective and zooming in, flowing with divenely guided actions.
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Create distinction by throwing yourself into the unknown
Another way of creating space between your ego and your awareness aside from sitting completely still is shaking the habitual. The egoic part of ourselves reigns supreme in the world that it knows. But in relation to the world outside of it which is in constant flux, it is oblivious to.
Living in the ego’s side of life; although at times it feels empowering and it appears that we are in control, is a drunkenness that leads us farther away from reality. In creating a distinction from the ego’s needs, judjements and demands to the all encompassing awareness, we open up to worlds we have never knew existed, one of wholeness and completeness. One of fullness where in we are compelled to willingly give and graciously receive.
Observe tendencies when our attention is being pulled outside of the present moment to fill up something that feels incomplete.
Not feeling relaxed due to some delusion of inadequacy throws us off our center which is already all knowing and complete. In our divine center, all is done, all is achieved, all is well.
Yes we can be curious, for it is the doorway to creativity and manifestation but being insecure about our present situation and to always look for something that will make you feel complete other than right now is a habit you can practice to let go.
“It’s All In Your Head Friend”. All the lack, fear and doubts are just a story in your head. Imagine all other realities outside your head. Isn't it an infinite combination of what can and could be and already is? It is our thinking that creates our reality.
Doing something unusual breaks the pattern where in the ego thrives. Dip your toes into the unknown and nurture the part of yourself that is childlike, curious to play and try new things without having to worry too much of externalities, gains and opinions coming from self & others.
The ego, which is the source of all your fears and insecurities hates the unknown. Tap into your awareness or the larger part of yourself and open up new worlds and opportunities by intentionally doing what you are not used to.
Ego loves labeling and categorizing
Watch when we are categorizing people, things and situations. Going general helps, people are people, we all just want to love and be loved no matter what race and social status, body type or smell.
Things are just what they are too, the chair is brown, the plate is greasy, this shoe is old, they are just things manifested through thought, desire and observed to the point that their material make up got so intact and resulted to each of their isness or thusness.
These divisions, these categorization of this is good and that is bad is the source of misunderstandings and wrong perceptions. Beyond the ego’s labels is the part of you who accepts both sides as true.
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The ego feels too special to do what is needed
As my favorite quote goes “The very thing you need can be found where you least want to look”. The part of you who doesn't want to do what is needed to be done, the part of you who wants immediate gratification, the part of you who aggrandizes its correctness, this is the same part of you who is keeping you from what you could be.
What you could be is one of spirit, working with all of life, offering his or her efforts with no expectation of fruits. Practicing the act of doing out of inspiration than desperation.
When we feel we are too good for something, take a step back and realize that maybe there is a lesson hidden behind this task, often times it is humility.
Cultivate the courage to see things as they are, do things that are needed at the moment and see things beyond the small world of our egos.
Your ego is an interpreter of your reality and only some parts of it are true
Any interpretation we may have in each moment is seen through the filters of your programming and it always tries to fit the universe in its limited mold.
Keep in mind that all interpretations are limited. That it is never what we think it is. That all is subject to change. All is impermanent and it is best to have strong opinions loosely held.
In our journey, keep what feels true at the moment. Try to always be open to new ideas and concepts. Challenge ourselves by meeting resistance to its edge, up to its limit, like when you do a standing now, kicking and reaching, expanding and stretching.
Your ego thinks you need something to hold onto
Observe when we get too attached to material and the solidity of things around us. We do not need for things to be in material form to feel secure. You think you are secure because you are grounded on the floor, but if we zoom out we are a piece of rock & water orbiting a ball of fire like an atom in an expanding dark cold space.
Thinking about these things releases my grip on the solidity of things. It releases the seriousness and the drama of striving for ehoic goals. Makes me see that just living another day is such a gift as it is and I can let go of the tight grip of my need for things to be a certain way.
Imagine when your in a rollercoaster, just going along for the ride not holding unto the safety bars too tightly and not clenching your every muscle resisting the steep drop. It all will happen whether you clench or not.
Allow things to be, let it run through you, emotions and energies. Let it fortify you, distill you and transform you to a more capable vessel of Love.
There is nothing wrong with thinking that there is something wrong with you
We feel bad we did something wrong but it couldn't have happened any other way because it did. Everything happens for a reason bigger than our understanding at the moment. All we can do is one up with our minds with the willingness to understand.
There will always be something wrong with us and it is ok because knowing this we are nudged towards the right direction. We will always be self correcting day by day much like a plane that is 99% off course in the air adjusting to natures conditions but still arriving safely at the destination intended.
A saint is a sinner who never quits. So stop feeling bad or feel bad for 90 seconds and move onto the right direction that leads you to your highest purpose. Let go of dwelling, resentment and crying over spilled cashew milk.
There is nothing we can do to be anything else other than what we are
Alan Watts
Flower ukiyo–e woodblock prints from Megata Morikaga, a Japanese artist from the Edo period. Morikaga was famous for creating beautiful illustrations of flowers and plants.
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Too busy to be bothered grabbing and sorting ingredients in the market? I worked with Chicory to make things easier for you.
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So making this Jjigae is just a couple of clicks away!
In the studio
Gumamela is a Filipino hibiscus. I remember smashing these flowers with some water and blow them into bubbles, our housekeeper showed me that nifty trick when I was oh so young.
This design is a symbol of family, home and connectedness.
What is your tattoo design idea? Let's make it happen here.
What are you going to do today to befriend, master and make your ego work to your benefit?
Where have you been finding happiness lately?
How are you? How are you really?
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