As I take in the beauty of the current moment, I remind myself that it is a precious gift to be embraced, valued, and fully experienced. In this moment, I release my worries about the past and the future, letting go of the desire to control what lies ahead.
I choose instead to fully engage with the sights, sounds, and feelings around me. I enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin, the gentle breeze in my hair, and the steady beat of my heart.
In this moment, I can be my authentic self—free from judgment, expectations, and apologies. I can love, laugh, and live with purpose and intention.
I also recognize that life is fragile, and we sometimes lose people, places, or moments that brought us joy. It's normal to feel nostalgic and wish for the past. However, I remind myself that dwelling on what was can prevent me from appreciating the present.
By changing my perspective, I discover new joy in the now. I view my memories as gifts that help me stay grounded in the present. I honor the past while welcoming the beauty and magic of the current moment. This enriches my life with love, light, and happiness—not in spite of my challenges and losses, but because I choose to find joy in each moment.
As I embrace this gift of the present, I encourage you to do the same. Value every moment, whether it's significant or seemingly small. Let’s find joy in the ordinary, beauty in our surroundings, and tranquility in silence.
Seek excitement, opportunities, and happiness as you unwrap the gifts of the present and fully experience this precious journey called life.
Make vegan beef stew;
Sauté aromatics, add in seasonings and veggies, tomato paste and maybe some herbs. I used a little balsamic vinegar instead of wine. I used Juicy marbles instead of beef.
It’s a good way to make use of produce lying around.
More recipes here❤️
latest from the pod. ❤️
Are you waiting for an external change to transform your life? Do you think that your feelings are determined by something outside of yourself?
What emotions do you wish to experience? What small action can you take right now to begin feeling that way?
Venturing out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory can be daunting.
You take this leap because you are brave and recognize that your one precious life is worth the risk. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.
My one-on-one sessions combine intuitive guidance, meaningful conversation, and profound healing. I am here to help you recognize your own brilliance and the endless possibilities that lie ahead for you.
these photos make me happy
A beautiful day indeed! ☀❤