Whenever you feel the need to do something to make you feel at ease and at peace take a pause; that's your insecure ego; peace is right here, right now.
The mind travels to what it thinks it needs to be done for you to be full but your fullness is inherent and always here.
You are never stuck, you are expanding. What feels stuck is your addiction to perceiving a thing in a specific way, you want the same old story even though its not useful for your growth, it is familiar and it provides false safety.
Get to the truth of what you are; ever expanding and it will involve a little sensation (pain) but you don't need suffer over it.
There is always pain in learning but it is more painful to resist what is there for us to take or become.
Why are you afraid of the life of your dreams? Sometimes this happens. Oh it is because we love fantasizing about epic lives but don't like to undergo what it takes to get there. You can stop living in quiet desperation and keep the gap of where you are and what you ought to be growing just because you resist new things. Close that gap by being true to your values and principles. Its pretty basic stuff like integrity, discipline, nobility, humility, gratitude, love etc. Align each action with your highest unwavering best Self.
We love familiarity but it keeps us from experiencing miracles. Miracles are real-time always happening from the behavior of your cells to the expansion of the universe.
It is a miracle that you are here, immersed in sensual stimulation of the warmth of the sun, cold of winter, blossoming of spring and so on.
It is a miracle that your mother birthed you and you were once a consciousness from the galaxy.
Gravity is for sure a law but we need not add to the pull of the earth’s core or the pressure of outer space towards earth.
Our thinking has gone so active and it takes up vital energy and time. But there are brains and other parts of the brain you can shine your awareness on and make more active.
Try paying attention to the part of yourself that doesn't think.
The part of yourself that knows.
Imagine the sensation of floating, unburdened by the endless demands of your ego.
Feel the lightness of your hand, limbs, torso, eyeballs and head. Release all the tension and the pressure trying to be somebody or something other than what you are right now.
As if you are floating; ready for new sights and new beginnings.
You are floating and at the sametime unafraid of the vastness of this expanding universe.
To float is to trust, know and believe we are being carried towards more and more life.
That if we stop resisting and start allowing, life will show us big things that even our imagination can't even match. Allow the universal mind to show you this greatness. Just have the courage to be open.
Maybe show up for yourself, someone or something that you might initially think is a waste of your time. Nothing is really a waste if offered wholeheartedly, try it within your what your mind would categorize as mundane life activities.
I feel most alive pushing the cart from the grocery to the car. I make time to look up at the vast ever changing sky and float on.
The most beautiful thing is you can free yourself anytime any day anywhere if we only choose to ungrip from the stories and concepts we have gone so used to holding on to.
Try it, try floating.
By the way! How's the kitchen?
Make some bean soup 🍲 like this Zuppa Toscana. Saute up some aromatics (onion garlic) add celery carrots kale beans and potatoes, oh don't forget your Vegan Italian sausage.
Flavor it up with seasonings or pastes like better than boullion 🔆
Other soups 🍲 🙌
Vegan Minestrone A hearty vegetable and bean soup with Italian herbs.
Vegan Amish Tomato Soup: Smooth and comforting with plant-based cream.
Spicy Lentil Soup: A protein-packed soup with bold, warming flavors.
Vegan Butternut Squash Soup: A silky, sweet, and savory fall favorite.
Mushroom Soup: Earthy, rich, and filled with whole grains.
I do these pods mostly in the car or on walks. Turn them up as you wash dishes or if you feel like you need a recalibration mindfulness buddy 👍
Today's letter is inspired by Sarah’s Floating girl series.
Book your tattoo experience here.
My view as I wrote you this. 🔆
If you been finding value, consider upgrading to paid, buying coffee through Ko-Fi or just sharing it with your friends and family.
Got problems??? Lets dissolve them 🔆
Namaste 🙏
I love this meditation. I’m currently reading No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz and your idea of listening to your different parts is very aligned with his ideas. Thank you for this! 🤍